12 April 2007


(It talks about the important work done by audit and the special people who do it. I've given it the title: It Takes a Special Person to be an Auditor. These are things required of an auditor that you will never see in a job

The job of an auditor is to evaluate, analyze, reach conclusions,and provide objective opinions. The job is like that of a doctor, assessing the health of the company, diagnosing illness, and prescribing a course to recovery. To do this, the auditor must possess special qualities:

An auditor is multi-skilled, understanding every part of the business, and closely aligned with business objectives.

An auditor has the ability to sift through minute detail, while keeping the big picture in mind.

The auditor faces difficult problems and often times difficult people,while maintaining the cool calmness that comes with experience and self-confidence.

The auditor is the shinning example of commitment, dedication, contribution, and hard work because everyone is watching to see if the auditor stumbles.

An auditor has thick skin, a controlled temper, natural curiosity, unforgiving tenacity and even a sense of humor.

Auditors maximize the synergy that comes from team effort, sharing their own knowledge and expertise for collective success, while maintaining their unique individualism.

The auditor's customer is . . . well, everyone.

An auditor is a lifetime student, always learning new technologies and continuously improving.

An auditor is able to build positive working relationships with those who may see them as a distraction earning, everyday, the trust and respect of wary and suspect minds.

Troubles are part of the job; it just goes with the territory. The auditor sees each problem as an opportunity, deflecting obstacles like a super hero deflects bullets.

An auditor is a quantitative analyst, critic, ethicist, economist, engineer, detective, change agent and above all the consummate professional.

When faced with a dilemma, the auditor resorts to clear thinking and level headed decision-making.

An auditor is an expert project manager, able to plan, organize, and execute complex projects ? on schedule, while juggling several other equally complex projects at the same time.

Auditors are not afraid to tackle unpleasant tasks. They ask the tough questions.

An auditor is an accomplished communicator, and an even better listener.

Waste, poor quality, inefficiency, and unmanaged risk are the enemies of every auditor.

Rewards, recognition, and even a simple "thank-you" can be few and far between. The auditor's job satisfaction comes from knowing the results of their work adds value and prevents bad things from happening.

The auditor always represents the best interests of the company and leadership, while encouraging excellence from each organization, and nurturing the best talents and effort from every individual.

An auditor does all this while being under appreciated, under informed, isolated and sometimes excluded.

The job of an auditor is special and not just anyone can do it. It is a profession filled with excitement and purpose; important work, that demands special people to carry it out. Yes, it takes a special person to be an auditor.

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